UP 112

UP Police Responding to Emergencies Efficiently With Efficient Solution

UP112, UP police’s emergency helpline number, is the world’s largest contact center in terms of calls happening in a day. It is an emergency response service for the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. This single number is used for various emergencies just like the 911 of the USA.

Industry : Govt-Subsidiaries Website : https://112.up.gov.in/
UP 112

Their Obstacle

UP police were aiming to create a purely made-in-India emergency response system. In the past, their contact center was handled by an American multinational technology company. They were looking for a capable solution that is purely made in India so that they could eliminate this dependency on a foreign company.

Our Approach

DeepCall, a subsidiary of Sarv Web Pvt. Ltd., was introduced as a proficient solution that can replace the current service provider while delivering quality features to the state.

Inbound Call Solution:


Outbound Call Solution:


The Result

Currently, DeepCall is handling all the traffic the UP112 emergency helpline number is receiving. To make things more clear, let’s talk in the number.

  • 4.5 million calls on emergency numbers
  • 370 million citizens are served every day
  • 1100 endpoints

DeepCall has created not just a contact center but an omnichannel communication solution for Uttar Pradesh so that every citizen in need can reach for help instantly.

DeepCall has also provided them with an easy-to-use IP Phone system that works in harmony with the emergency response team.

Brief About This Case

DeepCall is the conductor that controls and provides better solutions for the orchestra of this emergency system. We are processing thousands of calls every minute without any drop in the system’s performance.

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